Mar 31, 2024 · Assessing the influence of external stakeholders on organizational innovation: a quantitative analysis of manufacturing companies in Nigeria
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Читать далееYtong is the first in the world to produce high-tech building materials. Ytong is a German brand with 100 years of experience in producing autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC).
Читать далееШифр: А Авт. знак: 83823 Автор: Айоделе Олайя Самуэль Назва: Основные проблемы развития и размещения легкой промышленности Нигерии
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Article is devoted to a phenomenon of social networks to which public and scientific interest sharply increased in recent years. Through analysis of different theoretical principles and concepts, the study seeks to reveal: how did the theoretical understanding of this phenomenon in foreign and domestic science, what were the predictions for the different stages and what is …
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Читать далееКазахстан расположит в Евразии и её площадь занимает девятое…
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